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Council on Aging Minutes 04/04/2007
Minutes of meeting held On April 4, 2007
Meeting opened at 10:15 a.m.

PRESENT: COA members: Frank Antonovitch, Lowell Nixon, Sara Meier, Olive Nixon, John Reed, Susan Sanders, Brad Noble, Gerry Germaine and Harold Hewinson. Others: Senior Center Director: Margaret Crock, Outreach Worker: Deb Tierney. Also present were Paul Gillis and Corrinne Lavallee.
ABSENT:   None

Minutes of March 7, 2007, accepted.

Deborah Hollingsworth from GSSSI will speak on April 23rd to enumerate the services available to seniors from GSSSI. Plans are in process to have a mini Health Fair in May at the Senior Center. It would include various screenings and tests, i.e. vision, hearing, bone density and pre-stroke. Details will be in the next newsletter. A field trip to Orchard Valley in Wilbraham, a beautiful Assisted Living Facility, was held on March 22nd. A special thank you to Judy Bourgeois, Exec. Director and to the chef for a tour and a delicious luncheon. Motion made, seconded and approved to purchase 230 39cent stamps for mailing the newsletter. Debbie was able to purchase a new desk for her office, approved by the council, in the senior center for $500.00 after some tough negotiating.

In March , 701 contacts made, 77 seniors served, 279 attended senior center, 136 attended congregate meals and the balance includes cards & games (86), exercise (28), senior tax work off program (5), an estimated 100 at the Friends function  and other activities. Easter decorations and gift packages were donated by Elizabeth Berniche and Janet Crock. Thank you both.  

FINANCIAL: Brad Noble, Treasurer  
 Expenditures in March were: telephone $56.74, M Crock salary $540.58, Deb Tierney wages $700.74, Electric 174.80, Supplies $15.95, Gas $868.84, Don Sanders training $130.00, Lois Dupre mileage $203.39 and Trash pick up $25.57. Received one month (January) GSSSI outreach grant of $583.33.

PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Margaret Crock & Olive Nixon
Need qualified home owners to sign up for the Tax work off program.  On April 12, the intergenerational lunch program with the 2nd graders at the Holland School will start at 11:30. The entertainment, sponsored by the Holland Cultural Council, will be Ms. Danielle Rasys. On May 2nd; the second graders will be presenting decorated cups to the seniors.  On May 7th, Tantasqua will be holding their annual Senior Citizen Prom.          In May Olive Nixon will be having a flower arrangement class and in June a pot luck lunch is planned.

SENIOR TAX ABATEMENT PROGRAM: Margaret Crock and Harold Hewinson.
Year to date charges are senior center $2211.90, tax collector $78.75 and elementary school $1,855.00.

A Certificate of Occupancy No. 03-118 was issued for the Senior Center on March 12, 2007. We still need a permit from the Board of Health for the kitchen. It is ready to be inspected and Brad will notify the Board of this fact.
All of the above reports were accepted by the Council on Aging.

Jerry reported that all the problems in the bathrooms were fixed.  We indicated to Sara, a member of the Friends of Holland Seniors, that there was no intention of interfering with their plans to have a pancake breakfast when a suggestion was made to have a free one at the center.

The Council accepted the resignation of Gerry Germaine with very deep regrets. Thank you Gerry for doing such a super job, you will be missed.  Sara, speaking on behalf of the “Friends” requested approval to have a Spring Fling on May 18th at the center.  Approval granted.  She also indicated various activities they are working on with Margaret such as line dancing during the day and Yoga sessions once a week for 6 weeks. A “wish list” of our needs has been requested by the Friends.  Jack Reed was approached by the Hamilton Reservoir Association about using the Center for their bi-annual meeting. According to Jack, the School will not let them use their facility.  Earl Johnson will look into the reasons for their action. The question of charging for the use of the center was discussed with no formal resolution being made.  Frank, Brad and others will work on a resolution of this problem with suggestions for the Council. Motion made, seconded and approved to pay Don Sanders as an outside contractor $198.00 for work performed. The decision to install a new phone line for Debbie and to take the regular phone off of local only was deferred until the Selectmen determine if they are going to use Cox for their phone service provider. Brad was appointed a regular member of the Council using the opening created by the resignation of Gerry. The council now has seven regular members and one alternate. Agreement with Cox signed for internet services and cable installation.
CORRESPONDENCE – distributed on a weekly basis.

Meeting adjourned at 12:10 p.m.
Submitted by:

Brad Noble, Secretary